Leaving Certificate Applied


About Leaving Certificate Applied

Course Objectives

The areas studied in the Leaving Certificate Applied

The programme is divided into three main areas:

Vocational Preparation

Work Experience is essential to this element of the programme. Students undertake work placement one day a week during each school term.

Vocational Education

General Education

Students study the following areas:
Students also take two other approves elective courses in the areas of:

Asessment in LCA

Key Assignments & Tasks as part of Assessment

Students are assessed on a continuous basis over the four sessions with credits being awarded at the end of the session on satisfactory completion of modules. This involves students completing mandatory Key Assignments for each course.
Students complete 7 tasks over the two years. Tasks are anchored in specific courses. A task is a substantial project and is worth 10 credits. Students are interviewed by external examiners
Students have the potential to achieve 66% of their overall marks before completing their final exams.

End of Year Examinations

End of year Examinations take place in June as part of the State Exams. Subjects examined are:
Oral examinations, as well as written/aural examinations, will be held in the case of all the languages including English and Communications.


The Leaving Certificate Applied is awarded at three levels:

Further Studies

The Leaving Certificate Applied is accepted in most Post Leaving Certificate Courses (PLCs). Completing these courses will in many cases allow a student to progress to third level Institutes of Technology.

The Leaving Certificate Applied provides access to most apprenticeships with SOLAS (formerly FAS).