Amazing prizes including Apple Air Pods, One4All vouchers, cash prizes, hampers, Easter eggs, vouchers and more.
All proceeds will be used to purchase seating and equipment for students here in the school.
If students have suggestions as to what equipment/materials need to be prioritised, they may speak with their student leader for their class.
Each family will be issued with 1 Card – €2 per line.
All students who sell a full card will be entered into a draw.
Cards to be returned by March 24th.
Draw will take place on Friday March 31st in OCC.
Parenting talk with Shane Martin

Senior Cycle Subject Options 2023

For all 3rd year and TY students, please see a link to information on Senior Cycle subject options here.
OCC Mock Timetables 2023

The timetable for Junior Cert Mock exams can be located here.
The timetable for Leaving Cert Mock exams can be located here.
The timetable for Leaving Cert Applied Mock exams can be located here.
Wishing all our candidates the very best of luck in their upcoming exams.
CAO Information Evening

The CAO is holding an information evening webinar on Tuesday the 17th of January at 6.30pm for parents and guardians. All are welcome to attend. Please access the link here, and follow the instructions to register.