Staff Structure

O’Carolan College’s staff structure comprises of an enthusiastic team of professionals who understake many roles to ensure the smooth running of our school. Our aim is to help all our students develop the tools so they can reach their fullest potential, both academically and in their life outside the classroom.
Our teaching staff comprises of the following roles.


The role of the teacher in todays’ classroom is multifaceted. Teachers deliver content knowledge to students (teaching) and also set up an environment in which students can develop ideas and explore concepts cover in class, in individual or social activities (learning). To complete these tasks, teachers develop a set of teaching & learning materials and deliever them to students using various classroom strategies. Teachers also act as role models to student’s, displaying attitudes of work ethic, organisation, time management and self improvement in their profession.

Typically, a teacher at second level will specialise in a particular subject or a particular field of related subjects, which they studied to degree level in a third level institution, as well as having completed a formal third level qualification in education.

Special Needs Assistants (SNA's)

In general terms the SNA acts in a care and support role that is non-teaching in nature and works under the guidance and supervision of the Principal and/or class teacher. In the classroom, they support a student or a specific group of students. The specific role and duties of the SNA can be found clearly defined in DES Circular 0030/2014


In addition to teaching students academically, some teachers also take the role of a tutor, in which they are in charge of a specific group of students. The tutor is a vital role for the efficient running of the student body. Tutors are the first person a student will typcially turn to for help with matters personal and academic. Tutors typically act as a support for students in these situations, but in some cases must report the issue to others, such as the year head, care team, deputy principal or principal.

Tutors are also in charge of recording attendence, which is a statutory duty of the school to retain records of student attendence. Tutors also control daily and weekly communication to students and teachers, through announcements and notes in the students’ diary.


Year-heads seek to know each student in their year group and to monitor and encourage their development as they progress from first to sixth year. The year-head works closely with tutors, teachers, senior staff and parents to provide for the wellbeing of all students in his/her care. The yearhead conducts weekly assemblies with his/her year group. In issues of the reports, year heads review progress reports complied for students for the Christmas and summer examinations. In some cases, they contact parents whenever the need of an individual student requires such intervention, and meet with parents face to face.

Deputy Prinicpal

Deputy principals aid the principal in the overall administration of the school. They are primarily responsible for, but not limited to, scheduling student classes, desiginating classrooms for teaching, coordinating transportation and supporting other day to day activities in the running of a school. They usually handle student discipline and attendance problems, social and recreational programs, and have an input for health and safety matters. They may counsel students on personal, educational, or vocational matters. Deputy principals have a role in dealing with school-community relations, responsibilities previously assumed solely by the principal.


The Principal has overall authority under the authority of the Board of Management/Manager for the day to day management of the school. The Principal controls the internal organisation, management and discipline of the school, including the assignment of duties to members of the teaching and non-teaching staff. The Principal submits to the Board all such statements and reports affecting the conduct of the school as the Board requires.

As the overall leader, the principal is responsible for shaping the vision of academic success for all students, by creating a climate of teaching and learning throughout the school. They cultivate leadership from their staff and encourage students to do the same.