Student Leaders
In the academic year 2019/2020, we continued to roll out our system of student leaders. This initiative replaces our old prefect system. In previous years, a student put their name forward if they wanted to take on the role of prefect and their follow classmates voted. Two students were selected to fulfil the role in each tutor class. The Student leader system takes a new approach to selecting students, which entailed students applying for the role via application form. The students are then chosen through consultation between the tutors, principal and management. Two head students are appointed also.
There are lots of different qualities expected for Student Leaders. Excellent attendance and reliability are key qualities of a Student Leader as the school needs candidates who are physically there to count on day in and day out to carry out the tasks. Respectfulness and looking out for others are also main priorities on the list.

The main roles of a Student leader for both Junior and Senior are: wiping the board before class begins, making sure the chairs are put up when they are needed, putting up the blinds at the end of the class and or day, doing errands etc. Student Leaders asked all their teachers at the beginning of the year if they would like specific things carried out to assist the teaching and learning. Senior Leaders are timetabled to supervise first years in their locker rooms for 10 minutes per week and to clean the lunch tables after that supervision. As well as that, each senior leader is responsible for a younger year group of leaders.
Our student leaders received training at the beginning of the year, identifying the key characteristics needed to be a good leader and how to improve upon their leadership and communication skills. As a group, our Student Leaders understand that they must model the values that are important to promote in our school. This encourages them to enjoy working alongside the staff and the wider community to make students’ time in OCC as beneficial as possible.