Technical Graphics
Is the perfect introduction for Junior Cert students to the world of Graphics. It allows students to develop their visuo-spatial abilities, interpretation and communication of spatial information and ideas, visual perception of their environment, logical and progressive reasoning and investigative skills, ability to visualize two and three dimensional elements in graphical problems and the importance of communicating information graphically.

Each month we run a class completion where each student draws a presentation page of their favourite drawing. Every student has their drawing displayed on the wall where their fellow classmates vote for their top three. The winner has their drawing displayed inside the front door of the school with 2nd and 3rd place going on the corridor outside the TG room. This year we have introduced a 1st and 2nd year drawing competition where the students have to design a poster to be displayed on the TG door for the coming year. The winner will receive a voucher and a selection of drawing equipment.